About 10% of adults in Hong Kong suffer from diabetes, and the patients tend to be younger. About 20% to 55% of people with diabetes will develop Diabetic Retinopathy, commonly known as "diabetic eye" or "diabetic upper eye".


Diabetes can damage the microfilament blood vessels in the body, and in severe cases, the area will be hypoxic. Because the retina is full of microfilament blood vessels, it needs a large amount of blood and oxygen supply. When the retinal blood vessels are damaged, it will swell, seal and leak plasma. If not treated in time, vision will be damaged or even blind.


(1) There are no symptoms in the early stage of diabetes, the eyes are not red or painful, and the vision is normal.
(2) The microfilament blood vessels on the retina will gradually expand, and small hemangiomas will appear, leaking plasma and blood lipids, and some microscopic blood vessels will gradually expand. Silk blood vessels will be blocked and lead to hypoxia
(3) If the patient does not know that he has diabetes at all, new blood vessels will grow in the eyes. They are quite fragile and can easily burst suddenly, causing a blood clot to seep into the vitreous in the eye. The patient's eyes will have a large number of floaters, vision loss, and even complete blindness.


(1) Strict control of blood sugar, blood pressure and regular eye examination
(2) Laser therapy
(3) Intraocular steroid injection
(4) Vascular lining growth factor antibody

【Prevention and Inspection】

(1) Change life habit
(2) Control diet
(3) Take medicine or inject medicine to control blood sugar
(4) Patients with diabetes on the eyes need regular fundus examination

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